How do you embed a background picture on a power point slide for mac

broken image
broken image

Import your footage, and any background images (preferably. This will mark the exact spot where your subject should stand–keeping shots consistent with regard to lighting, focus, and sound. The day before the shoot, contact your subject and instruct him/her NOT to wear green or yellow (which can green around the edges). Set up the light kit using the three-point lighting method (see diagram above). Place a piece of painter’s tape, on the ground, about two feet in front of the green screen. Next, you will need to film your subject. Just email TLT to reserve the equipment and schedule training, if necessary. Lucky for you, TLT has both! We even have an iPad teleprompter–all available for faculty use, every Tuesday from 1-4 PM, in J.C. Are you planning your next big video project or lecture? Would you like to replace the background with an image of an object, person, location, or perhaps a PowerPoint slide (saved as an image file)? Well, the first thing you need is access to a green screen and light kit.